Governor meridian

Physical manifestations of disequilibrium

  • central nervous system
  • psyche
  • nervous disorders
  • neurasthenia
  • migraine
  • vertigo
  • epileptic-like seizures
  • pain radiating from the lower abdomen up to the heart
  • urine retention
  • incontinence
  • enuresis
  • dry throat
  • infertility
  • flexing of the spinal column (in a cramp) and curving backwards
  • spastic stiffening of the spinal column and faintness
  • the person is unable to urinate or defecate and usually has a hernia
  • tingling of the limbs
  • rheumatic joint problems
  • spasms and cramps of limb muscles
  • stiffness and pain of the vertebrae
  • lack of vitality
  • sexual disorders
  • impotence
  • frigidity
  • menstrual problems
  • backache
  • states of exhaustion
  • haemorrhoids

Psychological manifestations of disequilibrium

  • melancholy
  • lack of creativity
  • non-independent judgement
  • unclear thinking
  • increased irritation
  • inability to practically carry out one’s life plans
  • increased attention to details
  • feelings of excessive responsibility


  • spinal column

This yang unpaired pathway belongs to the system of special pathways. It connects all yang pathways and controls their energy. It begins in the lower half of the torso and has four main branches. One branch descends from the area of the lower abdomen and proceeds across the coccyx, penetrates the spinal column and continues towards the nape, across the crown and enters the brain. It then descends through the middle of the forehead below the nasal septum to the upper incisors. The second branch leads from the lower abdomen to the external genital organs and from there to the coccyx, where it joins the pathways of the kidneys and urinary bladder. Together they penetrate the spinal column and ascend to the kidneys. The third branch leads from the lower abdomen across the umbilicus and heart to the throat. It passes through the lower jaw, circles the lips and then ascends via two smaller branches below the left and right eye. The fourth branch starts together with the urinary bladder pathway at the inner corners of the eyes, from where it ascends in the form of two parallel arms across the forehead to the crown, where both arms meet. Together, they penetrate into the brain and descend from there through the middle of the nape. They divide above the shoulder blades towards their side and then rejoin and proceed together along the spinal column to the waist, where they penetrate the medial side of the torso and then into the kidneys.

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