Kidney meridian

Physical manifestations of disequilibrium

  • all kidney diseases associated with their function
  • throat inflammation
  • tonsillitis
  • asthma
  • diseases of the skin and paranasal sinuses
  • hearing disorders, disorders of the inner ear
  • rustling in the ears
  • hearing impairment
  • loss of appetite
  • darkening of the face
  • dark circles around the eyes
  • swelling of the eyelids
  • bags under the eyes
  • acne
  • eczema
  • dry palms
  • dyspnoea
  • expectoration of bloody mucus
  • lack of saliva
  • wheezing and shortness of breath
  • heat sensation in the mouth
  • dry tongue
  • dry throat
  • disorders of equilibrium
  • lower limbs- flaccidity, weakness, stumbling, cramps and muscle atrophy, sensation of hot soles
  • jaundice
  • flatulence
  • diarrhoea
  • constipation
  • general digestive disorders
  • the urge to stand as soon as one sits down
  • blurred vision
  • arrhythmia
  • pain of the heart
  • painful sensations of numbness and coldness seeping into the bones
  • fatigue
  • the need to rest frequently
  • problems in the sexual and hormonal sphere
  • infertility
  • tendency to miscarry
  • menstrual disorders
  • prostate
  • delayed growth
  • enuresis
  • frequent urination
  • chronic fatigue
  • sensation of pain and hypersensitivity in the lower back, the medial side of the knees, thighs, calves and ankles accompanied by swelling
  • swelling associated with varicose veins and their complications
  • pain along the pathway, pain of the nails and hair
  • bone fragility
  • osteoporosis
  • caries

Psychological manifestations of disequilibrium

  • slyness
  • touchiness
  • mental unrest
  • indecisiveness
  • hesitancy
  • anxiousness
  • impatience
  • cynicism
  • paranoia
  • forgetfulness
  • decreased motivation
  • feelings of despair
  • tendency to be annoyed and sad
  • phobias
  • diffidence
  • timidity
  • fears
  • concern for others
  • unsubstantiated fear
  • fear


  • bones
  • ears
  • throat
  • tonsils
  • lower limbs
  • internal organs – especially the lungs and urogenital organs
  • joints and spinal cord

It is important for water and mineral metabolism.

Plays a decisive role in the development of personality, as it is the site of essential (innate) energy storage.

This begins below the little toe and proceeds obliquely through the centre of the arch, around the internal ankle, upwards through the medial side of the calf, across the popliteal fossa and thigh. It penetrates the spinal column, joins the kidneys and the urinary bladder via a connecting line. Its direct trajectory exits the kidneys upwards, enters the liver and diaphragm, penetrates the lungs and continues along the throat, encircling the root of the tongue. Another branch leaves the lungs, reaches the heart via a connecting line and congregates in the middle of the chest.

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