The yin heel meridian

Physical manifestations of disequilibrium

  • states of unconsciousness
  • excessive sedation
  • epilepsy
  • joint pain
  • spastic stiffening of the muscles on the medial side and weakening of the muscles on the lateral side
  • inflammation (especially in women)
  • lower back pain radiating to the pubic region
  • spasms of the lower limbs
  • inversion of the legs
  • leucorrhoea
  • prolonged delivery
  • impotence
  • prostatitis
  • pain of the urinary bladder
  • congestion in the small pelvis
  • excessive and unceasing menstrual bleeding
  • dysmenorrhoea
  • metrorrhagia
  • digestive and intestinal problems
  • vomiting and diarrhoea
  • jaundice
  • intestinal intoxication and its consequences
  • sharp pain of the abdomen and lower abdomen
  • development of nodules in the abdomen
  • hernia in men
  • chronic laryngitis
  • fever with chills and shivers
  • roughening and hardening of the skin
  • haematopoietic disorders
  • problematic blood oxidation
  • changes in blood chemistry

Psychological manifestations of disequilibrium

  • insomnia


It directs motor and joint functions of the lower limbs, especially in women. It has opposing, complementary functions with the yang heel meridian. It closes the eyes and affects the sleep phase.

A yin paired pathway that is associated with the kidney pathway. It begins below the internal ankle at the L-2 point, where it travels parallel to the kidney pathway to the inner corner of the eye, where it joins the urinary bladder pathway and yang heel meridian.

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