Triple emitter meridian

Physical manifestations of disequilibrium

  • hardness of hearing
  • sensation of buzzing in the ears
  • painful inflammation of the throat
  • sweating
  • disorders of thermoregulation
  • circulatory disorders
  • high blood pressure
  • toothache
  • abdominal pain
  • digestive disorders
  • breathing and disorders of the lymphatic system
  • urogenital problems
  • incontinence
  • joint problems
  • rheumatism
  • neuralgia along the pathway
  • weakened immunity
  • allergy
  • fluid and toxin retention in the organism
  • oedema along the pathway
  • pain of the outer corner of the eye
  • swelling of the face at the site of the zygomatic bone
  • pain behind the ear and on the lateral side of the shoulder, arm and forearm
  • inability to use the ring finger

Psychological manifestations of disequilibrium

  • irascibility
  • fury
  • domineeringness
  • depression
  • lack of forthcomingness in social relationships
  • excessive concern for oneself and one’s relatives
  • lack of internal and external composure


  • eyes
  • ears
  • tongue
  • lateral side of the chest
  • shoulders and elbows

This begins at the nail of the ring finger and passes through the centre of the lateral side of the hand. At the elbow, it penetrates between the elbow joints and radius, proceeds across the shoulder and around the shoulder blade to the 7th cervical vertebra. From there, it proceeds forward across the trapeze muscle to the hollow above the clavicle and sternum, dissipating into the pericardium and descending across the upper, middle and lower emitters. Another branch originates in the centre of the chest, which proceeds upward across the supraclavicular fossa and throat to above the ear, where it breaks off toward the lower jaw and then returns up, below the eye. Another branch splits off behind the ear, which penetrates into the ear and then proceeds to the outer corner of the eye, where it joins the urinary bladder pathway.

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